Deep and broad analytical experience …
… at the macro and micro level reflected in food-for-thought pieces penned by Dan Kurz, CFA (dankurz59@gmail.com)
Global allocation thoughts …
… that incorporate rising global debt/sovereign solvency risks; central bank “ZIRP/NIRP” and “QE” policies and the resulting extreme asset valuation distortions, creditor impoverishment, and misallocations; and the hollowing out of the rule of law/property rights/liberty/free market capitalism
Thoughts on capitalizing on substantial demographic and energy dependency challenges, specifically:

Specific “flat money, fiat government”-driven …
… scarce real asset allocation ideas, which include thoughts about incorporation of physical gold and silver, or real money, into accounts as “portfolio insurance” against global currency debasement
Adherence to the traditional definition of risk:
long-term impairment of capital, not “beta, shmeta” MPT gibberish
Conviction that transparent, liquid …
… and counterparty-free assets should be reflected in accounts — so you can get out with what you bought
Conviction that risks are …
… lowest/return prospects highest when select assets have been unduly punished, valuation-wise, by the market
Conviction that ultimately people’s…
… return on investment (ROI) is very determined by the price they paid for normalized earnings. Bottom-up meets top-down!